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     PIADAS -

 sundae.gif (6878 bytes)      O portugu�s chegou ao Brasil e a primeira coisa que fez foi tomar um picol�. O homem gostou tanto do sorvete que resolveu levar para a fam�lia.
J� em Portugal ele reune a familia e abre a mala:
     - Mas como esses brasileiros s�o sacanas da puta, al�m de roubarem o meu sorvete ainda mijaram na minha mala!!!

  sundae.gif (6878 bytes)        A professora diz ao Joaozinho que num arame estao 5 passaros e pergunta
quantos passaros restam apos um deles ser alvejado por um tiro.
       O Joaozinho responde que nao resta nenhum porque os outros fojem.  A professora diz que a resposta correta e' 4, mas que ela gostou do raciocinio empregado.
       Joaozinho entao pergunta se a professora pode responder-lhe qual de 3 mulheres que estao tomando sorvete, na casquinha, numa sorveteria eh casada.
Sabendo-se que uma lambe o sorvete, outra da bocadas e a terceira chupa o sorvete. Apos o embara�o inicial a professora responde que aquela que chupa o sorvete � a casada.
       Joaozinho diz que a resposta correta � que a mulher casada � aquela
que usa alianca no dedo anular da mao esquerda, mas que ele tambem
gostou do raciocinio empregado.

  sundae.gif (6878 bytes)      Jo�ozinho chega da escola e vai direto � geladeira pegar o sorvete.
     Sua m�e entra na cozinha e d� uma bronca: Nada disso, Jo�ozinho. Isso n�o � hora de tomar sorvete. Est� quase na hora do almo�o. V� l� fora brincar.
      Jo�ozinho lamenta: N�o tem ningu�m com quem brincar...
      A m�e n�o entra no jogo dele e diz: T� bom, eu vou brincar com voc�. Do que � que n�s vamos brincar?
     Jo�ozinho diz: Quero brincar de Papai-e-Mam�e.
     Tentando n�o mostrar surpresa ela responde: T� certo. O que � que eu devo fazer?
     Jo�ozinho diz: V� para seu quarto e deite-se.
     Pensando que vai ser bem f�cil controlar a situa��o, a m�e sobe as escadas. Jo�ozinho vai at� o quartinho e pega um velho chap�u do pai. Ele encontra um toco de cigarro num cinzeiro e o coloca no canto da boca, sobe as escadas e vai at� o quarto da m�e.    
     A m�e levanta a cabe�a e diz: E o que eu fa�o agora?
    Com um jeito autorit�rio, Jo�ozinho diz: Des�a e d� sorvete ao garoto!

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 The Ten Commandments of Ice Cream -

  1. Ice cream is not a game.

  2. Ice Cream is no joke.

  3. Thou shalt not eat the BIG NAME store brand ice cream, for it is not ice cream, it is unholy.

  4. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough is a sin to eat; thou shalt never endure it's fiery wrath!

  5. Thou shalt not urinate in Ice Cream.

  6. Thou shalt not eat Beef ice cream, with it's abhorant taste of raw meat!

  7. Thou shalt join the Ice Cream Churh if thou likest ice cream.

  8. If you f*** with Ice Cream, Ice Cream will f*** with you.

  9. Ice cream was here before us, and it will be here long after we're gone.

  10. Thou shalt never underestimate the importance of Old Fashioned-Hand Dipped Ice Cream. It tis always the underdog to the BIG NAME companies, but it shall always and forever prevail!


        large_cone.gif (7055 bytes)     I scream,
     You scream
     We all scream
     For ice cream!

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Era um dia muito quente. Todo o mundo que aparecia, estava procurando algum tipo de al�vio, assim uma loja de sorvete era um lugar natural para parar.

Uma menina aperta o dinheiro dela firmemente e entra na loja. Antes de ela pudesse dizer uma palavra, o balconista de loja lhe disse rigidamente para ler a placa que estava na porta, e ficar fora at� que ela vestisse alguns sapatos. Ela partiu lentamente, e um homem grande a seguiu para fora da loja.

Ele assistiu como ela esteve na frente da loja e leu a placal: Nenhum P� Nu. L�grimas come�aram a rolar as bochechas dela, quando ela se virou para ir embora. H� pouco ent�o o homem grande chamou a ela. Se sentando no meio-fio, ele tirou os sapatos dele, que eram 44 e os colocou na frente da menina dizendo, " Voc� n�o poder� andar com estes sapatos, mas se voc� deslizando com eles at� a loja, voc� pode adquirir seu sorvete. "

Ent�o ele ergueu a pequena menina para cima e colocou os p�s dela nos sapatos. " V� " ele disse, " Eu estou cansado de ficar andando por a�, e me sentirei bem sentando-me aqui um pouco".N�o se pudiam medir o brilho dos olhos da pequena menina quando ela se arrastou at� a balconista e pediu seu sorvete de casquinha.

Ele era um homem grande, tudo bem, barriga grande, sapatos grandes, mas acima de tudo, ele teve um cora��o grande. -an�nimo

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Ice cream van

The person stood alone in the desert. Staring off into the ice cream hills and the rivers of caramel, he bent down and tasted the ground. With a look of some satisfaction on his face he set off down the valley towards the river. The ice cream squished about under his feet, clambering over some of the larger ridges he was quite covered in the sticky substance by the time he reached the river. They sat down on the edge of the river and stared happily into its caramel covered shallows.
After a time, the world became darker, there was no apparent light source, but it was dark now. The person lay down on his back and stared upwards at the chocolate cover covered sky. With a look of satisfaction on his face he went to sleep.

He woke in the morning with a feeling of cold wet substances sloshing around his ankles. Glancing around at the softened outlines of this once beautiful landscape, he looked slightly worried. He started half swimming, half slipping his way through the mess towards the highest hill he could see. By the time he had reached it he would thoroughly covered in ice cream. He sat shivering on the top of the hill looking around at this wild dream he had created. Laughing manicaly the scene switches.

A fairly small room filled to the brim with strange bits of tubes, vials and glass thingys. In the center of the room is a small freezer with a timer sitting beside it. The timer still has 2 days to run. The entire room is dark, lit only by the sunlight trying desperately to get past the curtained off windows. Lying casually on the bench under the window is a bill. It looks like a power a bill, it has big red letters written all over it.

Several days later in the small room the man was found dead. The cause of death was found to be drowning in ice cream. It was debated for a long time how he had managed to drown himself in a 2 liter tub of icecream with caramel topping. The best suggestion was that he had drowned himself first and then shoved ice cream down his throat to confuse everyone. The eventual cause of death and as whether it was murder or not, was put down as unknown. The experiment was packed up and sold off in little bits to the relatives. He had little money. The ice cream had been bought with the last things from his bank.

A student was reading this account in his local newspaper. 'Wow!' He thought, 'Wouldn't it be neat to be in a world made of ice cream!'. Going to the library in some deep thought, he had an inspiration. Over the next several years he collected all of the various (illegal) bits to make his experiment come true. At the end, running low on money, he ignored several bills. One of them was a power bill.

What goes around, turns into ice cream.

      large_cone.gif (7055 bytes)     The Emperor of Ice-Cream, by Wallace Stevens

    Call the roller of big cigars,
    The muscular one, and bid him whip
    In kitchen cups concupiscent curds.
    Let the wenches dawdle in such dress
    As they are used to wear, and let the boys
    Bring flowers in last month's newspapers.
    Let be be finale of seem.
    The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream.

    Take from the dresser of deal,
    Lacking the three glass knobs, that sheet
    On which she embroidered fantails once
    And spread it so as to cover her face.
    If her horny feet protrude, they come
    To show how cold she is, and dumb.
    Let the lamp affix its beam.
    The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream.